Dr Dorothy Tse, FHEA, FRSA

Dr Dorothy Tse, FHEA, FRSA

Neuroscientist, Cognitive Psychologist

Reader and Principle Investigator, Department of Psychology, Edge Hill University, UK

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Academic Positions, Education,
and Qualifications

Press Release

Prestigious grant from the Academy of Medical Sciences to study memory and dementia

The Healthy Brain Showcase

Staff Spotlight - University of Edinburgh

Invited Talks


Oct 2023

Dorothy presented her research findings on the impact of factors like prior knowledge and novelty on information seeking and memory. She emphasised the significance of translational studies and delved into topics ranging from healthy ageing in the elderly and early-onset dementia to how children can develop prior knowledge through activities like Minecraft.

Sep 2023

Dorothy talked about “The Determinants of Everyday Memory”.

Aug 2023

Dorothy co-chaired a symposium at the European Behavioural Pharmacology Society Biennial Meeting 2023 in Mannheim. She also spoke at this event, focusing on “new learning upon the backdrop of prior knowledge schemas”.

Grants and Awards


‘An early preclinical Alzheimer’s disease detection system: Using a schema memory paradigm in middle aged and elderly people’ funded by Edge Hill University RIF

‘Healthy ageing with an active mind’ funded by Edge Hill University ISRA. Co-creation with University of Third Age

‘Healthy Brain, Healthy life’ funded by Alzheimer’s Research UK (Inspire Fund). Collaboration with Bournemouth University


Best Research Supervision prize at University of Edinburgh (College of MVM)


Principal’s Teaching Award Small Grant, University of Edinburgh

Erasmus+ funding, Go Abroad for staff funding
